Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Picture A Day

Pictures help people to remember places, situations, feelings... We usually take pictures in order to keep a certain state of happiness toremember later on.

My main purpose for this Summer is to enjoy, and  the best way to reach this goal is to do different things every day. By taking a picture of every moment, it will be easier to remember what I have done during the Summer and keep the memory of every day. One usually don't even think about taking pictures of every day activities or unpleasant normal situations, so this project will push me to do something amazing every day and take advantage of most of my time here.

In fact, by Taking a Picture Every Day I will not only be building a memory, I will also be making sure that I will do as many things as possible and enjoy my Summer to the limit!

Now, I am not trying to lie to anyone or myself here. I dont even think I will log into the blogg every day! But I will try my best to keep up with this project, and enjoy while I am doing it :-)

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Getting started